Marketing Essentials for Country Artists: 5 Tips to Help You Craft a Compelling Editorial Playlist Pitch

Kyla Pearson
3 min readMar 27, 2024
Photo by Filip on Unsplash

Have a new single coming out? Then it may be time to put together an editorial playlist pitch for Spotify.

Landing on one of Spotify’s editorial playlists can be a major achievement, especially for an indie country artist. Their playlists have large followings that may generate more streams for artists. In turn, this will generate more income. Not to mention, having the official Spotify stamp of approval can be incredibly validating and is a great selling point for further marketing your music.

As someone who has previously written editorial playlist pitches for country artists, here are five tips to help you craft a compelling one of your own.

1- Describe the Song

First and foremost, you’ll want to describe the song. What is the song about? What message do you hope to share through it? What is the mood, tone and feel of the song? What instruments are featured on the track? These are all questions you can ask yourself when writing your pitch.

2- Highlight Key Collaborations

It’s no secret that well-known names sell. So it’s a good idea to mention any notable collaborations with songwriters, producers and…



Kyla Pearson

An Italian-Canadian creative entrepreneur who offers design & marketing services tailored to the country music, film & TV industries.