Press Essentials for Country Artists: What You Should Include in Your Electronic Press Kit (EPK)

Kyla Pearson
3 min readApr 5, 2024 —

If you’re set to release new music, it may be time to put together and/or update your electronic press kit (EPK). If you’re unfamiliar with what an EPK is, it’s a collection of promotional materials you’d send along with your press release when pitching your latest release to media outlets. Usually, this would be a folder in a cloud-based sharing platform such as Dropbox or Google Drive that you’d include a link to in your press release/pitch. There’s also a version of your EPK that you’d feature on your website, however, this article’s focus is on the former.

As someone who has helped country artists put together EPKs for their upcoming releases in the past, here are the essentials you need to include.

Press Release

The first thing you’ll want to include is a PDF copy of the press release you sent by email. While media professionals may have already read it in your initial email pitch, it’s always good to have everything in one place for easy access.

Short & Full Artist Bios

You’ll also want to include both a short and full artist bio in your EPK. A short artist bio is great for skimming at a glance or to include as the basis of an article introduction…



Kyla Pearson

An Italian-Canadian creative entrepreneur who offers design & marketing services tailored to the country music, film & TV industries.